Tuesday, May 30, 2006
California City Community Content Created At Google Co-op
CityTownInfo.com Provides Community Information to Google Searchers as Google Co-op ParticipantCityTownInfo.com (CTI), a unit of Moving Traffic, Inc., announced today that it is providing Google search users with free instant access, via the new Google Co-op program, to its extensive database of information on thousands of US cities and towns. Users can sign up for the free service on Google, at http://www.google.com/coop/profile?user=008291016253664647185.
Boston, Mass. (PRWEB) May 30, 2006 -- CityTownInfo.com (CTI), a unit of Moving Traffic, Inc., announced today that it is providing Google search users with free instant access, via the new Google Co-op program, to its extensive database of information on thousands of US cities and towns.
Available immediately with free signup, the service allows people who search Google for palo alto, for example, to see CityTownInfos profile of Palo Alto, California near the top of Googles results page. In this example, the profile includes the citys population (58,598), location (15 mi NW of San Jose), area code (650), political leaning (Democratic), relative household income (high), along with numerous other characteristics. Users can also click on a link to access CTIs complete city profile (for example, at http://www.citytowninfo.com/places/california/palo-alto).
Users can sign up for the free service on Google, at http://www.google.com/coop/profile?user=008291016253664647185. After sign up, the service becomes available to a user searching for a town or city at Google using one of these formats: boston, boston ma, or boston massachusetts.
CityTownInfo.com provides demographic information, written profiles, data on housing, neighboring cities and towns, schools, income, weather, crime, and much more, for thousands of cities and towns across the US. The site also ranks each city or town on dozens of characteristics and highlights areas where each city is unique or notable, and provides a community space for visitors to offer their own comments on each city or town.
Eric Enge, VP of Marketing for Moving Traffic, said, "Were proud to be one of the first sites in the Google Co-op program. We expect Googles Co-op to be a real success because it offers searchers fast answers in response to their searches, not simply a list of relevant external links.
For more information and details, visit CTIs Google Co-op FAQ at http://www.citytowninfo.com/cti/google-coop-faq.html.
About Moving Traffic, Inc. and CityTownInfo.com
Moving Traffic is the publisher of http://www.CityTownInfo.com, a site designed to make it easy to learn about any city or town in the US. Travelers, home buyers, real estate agents, researchers, journalists, bloggers and others visit the site to get background information and find resources on a particular community.
Press Contact: Eric Enge
Email: email protected from spam bots
Phone: 508-485-7751
Website: http://www.citytowninfo.com/
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Hispanic Advertising Network Has 5.42 Million
Hispanic Online Advertising Network HispanoClick Finds U.S. Audience of 5.42 Million and GrowingComScore has verified HispanoClick, the leading online Hispanic advertising network, reaches 5.42 million viewers in the US alone every month. The Hispanic online advertising network also reaches millions of unique viewers in Latin America and Spain.
(PRWEB) May 25, 2006 -- HispanoClick, the leading Hispanic online advertising network with Spanish-language publishers in the United States, Latin America, and Spain, had comScore measure their network-wide traffic patterns beginning March 2006.
The comScore study concluded the Hispanic online advertising network reaches over 65 million unique visitors every month. The United States, Mexico, Spain, Argentina, and Chile topped the list of HispanoClicks online advertising markets, with the U.S. alone reaching 5.42 million unique viewers.
"We are pleased to see our traffic numbers confirmed by ComScore," said Marc Duquette, HispanoClick CEO. "We provide advertisers an additional and efficient media outlet to reach the US Latino market, as well as online Hispanic advertising markets throughout the world."
In addition to the total number of unique visitors, ComScores analysis of the Latino online advertising network showed:
* 84.5% of visitors are between the ages of 18-49
* 57% of visitors ages 18-59 are male
* 62% of Business & Finance channel visitors report household income levels starting at $60K
This trend in traffic will likely continue as HispanoClick grows. The company recently added Universal Music, Nestle, Nextag, and Monster.com in Spanish to their expanding list of clientele.
Learn how to join the online Hispanic advertising network and begin reaching 65 million Spanish-speaking viewers in the United States, Latin America, and Spain by calling 415-282-9796 or visiting www.HispanoClick.com.
About HispanoClick
HispanoClick, a premier Hispanic online advertising network specializing in web sites for the Spanish-speaking market, offers a complete solution for advertisers seeking a way to clearly communicate their message to the online Hispanic market. The HispanoClick online Hispanic advertising network empowers businesses and advertisers to achieve brand recognition, sales, and lead generation within the Hispanic community by using the latest business technology. They are headquartered in Montreal, Quebec.
About comScore
comScore Networks is a global information provider and consultancy providing leading companies with consumer behavior insight to drive successful marketing, sales, and trading strategies.
Press Contact: Lou Ramirez
Company Name: HispanoClick
Email: email protected from spam bots
Phone: 415-282-9796
Website: http://www.hispanoclick.com
Friday, May 19, 2006
Free Classified Advertising in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco
Monday, May 15, 2006
Financial Institutions Comply with New Identity Theft Guidelines
ID Insight Inc., St. Paul
Matt Schraan, 651-291-3557
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Blog At Work And Still Keep Your Job
Corporate Blogging: Six Steps Help Ensure At-Work Blogs Are An AssetIf you are searching for effective ways to increase traffic to your company web site, encourage key employees to blog, but set a policy first to help ensure success. Search engines like Google elevate the rankings of web sites with continually changing content, and frequent postings to blogs are an ideal way to take advantage of that system. One important key to blogging success is to establish a well-defined policy before the practice is sanctioned at your work.
Portland, ME (PRWEB) May 10, 2006 -- If you are searching for effective ways to increase traffic to your company web site, you might want to encourage key employees to blog, but set a policy first to help ensure success.
Search engines like Google elevate the rankings of web sites with continually changing content, and frequent postings to blogs are an ideal way to take advantage of that system. And according to many communications experts, blogs also allow companies to personalize their organizations, products and services, making a human connection with customers that is often difficult in this high-tech age.
One important key to blogging success is to establish a well-defined policy before the practice is sanctioned at your work. Large and small companies alike use blogging, and yet only 15 percent of companies have policies in place to address workplace blogging, according to a recent survey by the Employment Law Alliance. Without a clear policy, the anything-goes, free-for-all attitude that flourishes on the Internet could harm your company's reputation.
Whether a blog becomes a useful tool for your company, or a source of irritation, is a choice you can influence with the policies you adopt today, says labor and employment law attorney James Erwin from Pierce Atwood LLP in Portland, Maine.
To begin, each workplace blogger needs specific permission and clear direction from management, making sure the employee understands that blogging is part of their job. Agree in writing with the blogger as to the business purpose for the blog and then require the blogger to adhere to your blogging policy.
Attorney Erwin suggests a comprehensive policy that covers at least these six key areas:
1. Expressly include blogging within the same rules that govern acceptable use of email and Internet;
2. Prohibit employees from disclosing or discussing any confidential or proprietary information;
3. Remind employees that they are expected to be respectful of the company, its employees, its customers and its competitors; and are not to post material that contains harassing, discriminatory or threatening content, no matter when or where the blogging is conducted:
4. Require employees to use their real name, not an alias, and; employees must make it clear that the views they express online are their own and not those of the employer. This policy adds credibility to the blog, as it will be viewed by readers as an independent source of information.
5. Require that any reader responses to a blog be edited for profanity, harassing, discriminatory or threatening content directed toward the company, its employees, its customers, and its competitors.
6. Create an agreement with each blogger as to the purpose of the blog, the amount of company time you will allow the blogger to devote to the practice, and any necessary restrictions regarding overtime compensation for off-site blogging.
By adopting policies that expressly address blogging, Erwin says that an employer can educate employees on specific limits and expectations. If it becomes necessary to take action against an employee because of inappropriate blogging, the employer will have fairly warned of what is problematic and what the consequences may be. This simple step will mitigate the effect on employee morale. It will also enable the employer to point to an objective, policy-based rationale for its decision to discipline or terminate, buttressing its defenses against claims of discrimination or retaliation.
If your company does not have a blog, you are missing out on an important communications medium. Currently 10 million workplace bloggers are active. More join the ranks daily. The smart ones are guided by a blogging policy that encourages meaningful communications and discourages destructive discourse.
Pierce Atwood LLP is the largest law firm based in northern New England and has 120 attorneys who serve regional, national and international clients from offices in Portland and Augusta, Maine; Portsmouth and Concord, New Hampshire and Boston, Massachusetts. For more information about the firm, its attorneys and services, please visit www.pierceatwood.com.
Contact: Jennifer Whittier
Phone: 207-791-1244
Press Contact: Melissa Field
Company Name:
Phone: 207-229-7136
Website: pierceatwood.com
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Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Sale Of Domain Names Produces Nearly $2.1 Million
Largest Live Domain Name Auction Produces Nearly $2.1 Million in SalesThe largest live Internet domain name auction ever held produced nearly $2.1 million in sales in just 3 hours Thursday, May 4, in the main event at the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. WEST Conference at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Another piece of domain history was made during the auction when SEX.NET sold for $450,000 in the largest .net sale ever reported.
(PRWEB) May 9, 2006 -- The largest live Internet domain name auction ever held produced nearly $2.1 million in sales in just 3 hours Thursday, May 4 in the main event at the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. WEST Conference at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Another piece of domain history was made during the auction when SEX.NET sold for $450,000 in the largest .net sale ever reported.
The gavel also dropped on two other blockbuster six-figure sales during the bidding in front of a standing room only crowd. A rare two-letter .com, CD.COM attracted $275,000 and a three-letter gem, POS.COM commanded $250,000. There were dozens of other sales in the five-figure range.
Veteran professional auctioneer John Berry was flown in from Florida to call the auction conducted by Monte Cahn, CEO of Moniker.com. The auction was the centerpiece of the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. WEST conference. The event attracted more than 500 Internet entrepreneurs for the largest gathering of domain investors held to date.
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. co-founders Rick Schwartz and Howard Neu introduced the event with an October, 2004, conference in Delray Beach, Florida, and over the past 18 months have added shows in Silicon Valley and Las Vegas that have attracted domain owners, venture capitalists and investment bankers from around the world. More information on past and future events can be viewed at http://www.TargetedTraffic.com. The next conference and domain name auction is scheduled for October, 2006.
Rick Schwartz 561-997-6286
Howard Neu 954-662-1816
Press Contact: Rick Schwartz
Phone: 561-997-6286
Website: http://www.targetedtraffic.com
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Sunday, May 07, 2006
Probably The Most Unique Business Listed on Ebay, Toll Free Directory; Yellow Pages Are Now In The Cross HairsWith the high prices and poor results of too many phone books to advertise in, as well as too much competition in them, aggressive toll free marketing company takes aim at the Yellow Pages and opens its doors to investors.
Colorado Springs, CO (PRWEB) May 7, 2006 -- Mark Russell, President of Venturis Systems Inc, put what could arguably be the most unique businesses ever posted up for sale on Ebay- The 1-800-Certified Network. The network takes aim at the inflated prices, and poor results, of the Yellow Pages by creating a One-Number directory where callers can reach any type of business, in any city, nationwide.
Service business owners know leads that come from the Yellow Pages are more likely to be price shoppers. With more competition and more books to advertise in, its disaster to profits. The answer is to become branded by an easy-to-remember number so clients arent forced to it up. (Ex. 1-800- FLOWERS, 1-800-PROGRESSIVE, 1-800-COLLECT). Also, there is no competition within the network because membership is limited to one high-quality business per industry, per marketing area. When customers call, live agents route the call to the business they are seeking.
Mark Russell, president and founder, stated, We are very excited accept bids for full or part ownership of this business. Numbers like 1-800-CERTIFIED never come available, especially combined with a marketing strategy like this. The potential size and scope of 1-800-CERTIFIED will give instant brand name recognition and great marketing position to companies in the network. When 40+ companies in one metro area all have the same easy-to-remember number, no one will forget it
1-800-CERTIFIED is currently focused on the auto industry, however the call routing model will be opened to all industries upon completion of this deal.
With this unique listing on ebay, this is THE time for an entrepreneur to walk into this one of a kind business that will change small business marketing and create a whole new advertising medium. If you would like more information,the auction can be found by searching Ebay for the term 1-800-CERTIFIED. The auction will end on May-14-06 18:15:20 PDT
It can also be found with the following link:
For more information please call 1-800-CERTIFIED.
Press Contact: Mark Russell
Email: email protected from spam bots
Phone: 719-272-6747
Website: www.1800CERTIFIED.COM
Monday, May 01, 2006
Search System Enables Charitable Click Fraud Temptation
PRODEGE Allows Members, Community and Supporters to Make Contributions to Organization Just by Searching the InternetPRODEGE makes it simple to use this new way to raise funds. PRODEGE provides organizations with private label search engine portals that offer a unique approach to fundraising. PRODEGE is simple to use and free to all qualified organizations.
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) May 1, 2006 -- PRODEGE is the first socially-conscious search engine. We have pioneered a new way for charities to raise contributions with a cost-free vehicle. With PRODEGE, each participating charitable organization has its own private-label search site.
PRODEGE was designed by members of charitable organizations. We understand how difficult and time-consuming fund-raising can be. Thats why we developed this new and revolutionary tool.
PRODEGE transforms the simple act of Internet searches into a new and continuous revenue-producing stream.
Our mission is simple: Provide a state-of-the-art Internet search experience, while simultaneously raising money for the users favorite charity.
PRODEGE puts the power of the Internet to work for NPO's. Last year, Internet searches generated nearly $5 billion in revenue from advertisers. PRODEGE provides charitable organizations with a unique way to tap into increased Internet search revenues.
Our strong relationship with leading search engine companies ensures the best search results, while generating a potentially endless stream of income for charitable organizations.
Private Label Search Engine Sample: www.takemehome.prodege.com
Please visit us at: www.prodege.com/organization
Press Contact: Josef Gorowitz
Company Name: PRODEGE, LLC
Email: email protected from spam bots
Phone: 310 542 0901
Website: www.prodege.com/organization
[Editor's note: Charities don't have to lose between 50%-70% of the revenue in a plan like this, they can open their own account and keep 100% of any revenue. (hris ]