Saturday, April 19, 2008


Experts Provide Retail Business Bankruptcy Analysis

Business Experts Provide Analysis of Recent Retail Bankruptcies

Creditntell's weekly newsletter, Retail News & Views, featured an editorial this past Tuesday entitled ''The Booming Business of Bankruptcy'' that draws a strong correlation between the fallout of the 80's LBO's to today's highly leveraged retailers facing higher administrative costs, rising energy expenses, declining sales and increasing interest rates.

April 17, 2008 -- Everywhere you look another highly respected publication is painting the future outlook for most retail segments as gloomy. As recently as April 15th The New York Times ran a front page story suggesting the year ahead will be difficult at best and disastrous at worst for any retailer that depends on the level of consumer discretionary income not taking a hit.

Information Clearinghouse, Inc. (d.b.a. F&D Reports and has been evaluating and anticipating the future prospects of all the key retail players in seventeen separate and distinct sectors since 1993. The company's three senior executives collectively present over 100 years of relevant financial and bankruptcy expertise that provides insights not available anywhere else. Chief Executive Officer, Lawrence Sarf, alone has 40 years of practical hands-on retail experience in disciplines ranging from operations & marketing to finance. He has been recognized by the Southern District of New York Federal Bankruptcy Court as an Expert which has enabled him to serve in a consultative capacity in over 1,000 insolvency proceedings. In a recent interview when asked about the current economic environment, Mr. Sarf commented: "Everything is cyclical and we are well into a period where the weaker players will be headed to the courthouse and attempting to reorganize under Chapter 11. The changes to the Bankruptcy laws in 2005 has made reorganization much more difficult, consequently there are many troubled retailers that have been holding on much longer than they would have had they had access to the older much more debtor friendly laws. They simply can not delay the inevitable much longer."

Creditntell's weekly newsletter, Retail News & Views, featured an editorial this past Tuesday entitled ''The Booming Business of Bankruptcy'' that draws a strong correlation between the fallout of the 80's LBO's to today's highly leveraged retailers facing higher administrative costs, rising energy expenses, declining sales and increasing interest rates ... a perfect storm that will make the navigation to calmer seas a yeoman's task, many will sink. Recent retail bankruptcies referred to in the editorial include: Sharper Image, Corp., Buffets Holdings, Inc., and The Wornick Company.

Other names-in-the-news where we have recently prepared comprehensive analyses are Linens 'N Things, Bon Ton, Macy's, Dick's Sporting Goods, Circuit City, Foot Locker, Rite Aid, Winn Dixie, Duane Reade, Dollar General, and Sears, which not only take a look back at what has happened but also provide a look forward indicating what hurdles must be cleared in order to succeed.

The next year or two will be tumultuous and the astute financial executive or investor will be well served to follow the advice of time-proven industry experts.

For additional information visit:

Press Contact: Dennis Cantalupo
Company Name: Information Clearinghouse, Inc.
Phone: 1-800-789-0123 +110

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